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"Etnogramy" is music which is not faithful to any genre, style or convention. The artists draw from tradition, but they do not stick to the routine. Folk melodies from Kolberg’s collection are turned on the other side, processed, looped in a looper. Several motifs from various Polish regions can appear in one song. "Etnogramy" is not roots music, played faithfully and in accordance with stage directions of scholars, but it is a treetops music - a starting point for their own artistic pursuits.





InFidelis means UnFaithful. InFidelis duo formed by Helena Matuszewska and Marta Sołek – multi-

instrumentalists playing in folk, classical and even rock and jazz bands. Together they started the cult girl formation: Same Suki.


InFidelis work revolves around unconventional use of traditional instruments. In a joint project the two 

artists present the extraordinary sound of the two Polish folk instruments –the Biłgoraj suka and the 

Płock fiddle. These instruments play the main roles in InFidelis. They are distinguished by a specific, nail 

technique of playing. Helena and Marta allow them to sound raw - to howl, growl, fiddle squeak; allow 

for dirt and impurities - playing techno, reggae and even metal. Also a looper appears on stage as an 

additional instrument, which makes a codified form intertwine with improvisation.




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Marta Sołek i Helena Matuszewska / InFidelis

Fot. Bartłomiej Muracki



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